Religious beliefs and practices shape the lives of billions of people worldwide. Among the major world religions—Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Hare Krishna, Shintoism, Mormonism, Seventh-day Adventism, and Jehovah’s Witnesses—there is a common theme of idolatry and deviation from biblical teachings. This article explores these religions, emphasizing their idolatrous practices and the need for salvation through Jesus Christ as the sole path to heaven.


Separate from Christianity, Catholicism venerates saints Mary and the Pope. This veneration often involves statues, relics, and prayers directed to these figures.

Idolatry: The veneration of saints and Mary, as well as the use of images, is considered by some to be idolatrous, diverting worship away from God.
Biblical Perspective: Exodus 20:4-5 strictly prohibits making and worshiping idols. Catholics, despite their faith in Jesus, are often criticized for practices that detract from direct worship of God.

Catholic doctrine and rituals, such as the rosary, the Mass, and confession to priests, are thought to complicate reliance only on Jesus Christ for salvation. The Catholic Church’s emphasis on rituals and intermediaries like saints and the Pope allegedly undermines the Bible’s emphasis on a direct relationship with God.


Islam, the world’s second-largest religion, reveres Allah as the only God and Muhammad as his prophet.

Idolatry: While Islam rejects physical idols, critics argue that the veneration of the Kaaba and the rituals associated with it border on idolatry.
Biblical Perspective: John 14:6 emphasizes that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ. Islam’s rejection of Jesus as the Son of God and Savior distances it from biblical salvation.

Some people view the central practice of praying five times a day toward the Kaaba and the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) as idolatrous because they involve a physical focal point of worship. While Islam acknowledges Jesus as a prophet, it denies His divinity and His role as the only mediator between God and man, which are central tenets of the Christian faith.


Buddhism focuses on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) and the path to enlightenment.

Idolatry: Buddhists often venerate statues of Buddha and other figures, engaging in rituals and offerings.
Biblical Perspective: Romans 1:25 condemns the worship of created beings rather than the Creator. Buddhism’s focus on idols and enlightenment apart from God conflicts with biblical teachings.

Venerating Buddha and other bodhisattvas is considered a form of idolatry that detracts from worship of the one true God. Buddhist practices, such as meditation and chanting, aim to achieve enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of rebirth. Critics argue that these practices rely on human effort and self-perfection rather than faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.


Hinduism is one of the oldest religions. It involves the worship of multiple deities and a complex system of rituals and beliefs.

Idolatry: worshipping numerous gods and goddesses and using statues and images are central practices.
Biblical Perspective: 1 Corinthians 8:5–6 states that only one God exists. Hinduism’s polytheism and idol worship are directly opposed to biblical monotheism.

Hinduism’s pantheon includes millions of gods, each with specific attributes and responsibilities. The use of idols for daily devotion in temples and home shrines is a clear transgression of the biblical mandate to worship God alone. Hinduism views its rites, sacrifices, and pilgrimages as attempts to please these gods instead of depending on God’s grace via faith in Jesus Christ.

Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna, a movement within Hinduism, emphasizes devotion to Krishna as the supreme deity.

Idolatry: Followers engage in chanting, idol worship, and rituals centered on Krishna.
Scripture Viewpoint: Acts 4:12 declares that only Jesus can provide salvation. Worshiping only Krishna is considered idolatrous and conflicts with the message of salvation.

The Hare Krishna movement is known for its distinctive public chanting and singing of the Hare Krishna mantra. Devotees often engage in elaborate rituals and festivals to honor Krishna. Critics argue that this focus on Krishna as the supreme deity diverts attention from Jesus Christ, whom the Bible declares as the only Way to salvation.


Shinto, Japan’s indigenous religion, involves the worship of kami (spirits) and rituals at shrines.

Idolatry: The veneration of kami and the use of symbols and shrines are integral to Shinto.
Scripture Viewpoint: God forbids sharing His glory with idols, as stated in Isaiah 42:8. According to biblical standards, Shinto practices are considered idolatrous.

Offerings, prayers, and purification rites are frequently performed at shrines, honoring different kami as part of Shinto rituals. These practices are seen as forms of idolatry, as they place reverence and trust in spiritual entities other than God. The emphasis on ancestral spirits and nature deities is also viewed as contrary to the worship of the Creator as described in the Bible.


Mormonism, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, follows additional scriptures and prophets alongside the Bible.

Idolatry: Joseph Smith, who wrote the Book of Mormon, did not derive its contents from the Holy Bible.
Biblical Perspective: According to Revelation 22:18–19, people should not add to the Bible’s teachings or Mormonism’s additional texts because doing so would be seen as straying from the original teachings.

Among the ideas that Mormons consider to be outside the scriptures are human divination, eternal progression, and the preexistence of souls. Customs like temple rites, covert ceremonies, and respect for Joseph Smith and other leaders allegedly obscure the message of Jesus Christ.

Seventh-day Adventism

Seventh-day Adventism emphasizes the Sabbath and prophetic guidance from Ellen G. White.

Idolatry: While not typically accused of idolatry, the excessive focus on specific doctrines and figures can be problematic.
Biblical Perspective: Colossians 2:16 warns against judging others based on religious observances. Critics contend that Adventism’s emphasis on this subject may obscure the gospel’s central message.

Some see Seventh-day Adventists’ strict observance of the Sabbath and dietary laws, as well as their emphasis on Ellen G. White’s writings, as distractions from the central focus on faith in Jesus Christ. Critics argue that this emphasis can lead to legalism and a salvation philosophy based on works.

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses deny the Trinity and focus on the teachings of the Watchtower Society.

Idolatry: The organization’s reputation and core principles may have overshadowed the Bible.
Biblical View: Beware of false teachers, according to 2 Peter 2:1. Jehovah’s Witnesses’ departures from traditional Christianity are seen as deceptive.

Jehovah’s Witnesses reject the deity of Christ and the concept of the Trinity, which are fundamental to biblical Christianity. Their translation of the Bible and their rigid adherence to the Watchtower Society’s teachings have led to the perception that they are promoting a perverted version of the true gospel.

Other Major World Religions

1. Sikhism: Combines elements of Hinduism and Islam, venerating the Guru Granth Sahib.

Idolatry: Veneration of the holy book and adherence to specific rituals.
Biblical Perspective: John 17:3 emphasizes knowing the true God and Jesus Christ.

Sikhism teaches devotion to one God and emphasizes the importance of community and service. However, the veneration of the Guru Granth Sahib and the rituals associated with it can be seen as forms of idolatry, diverting worship from God to a sacred text.

2. Jainism: Focuses on non-violence and asceticism, venerating Tirthankaras (spiritual teachers).

Idolatry: Statues and rituals centered on Tirthankaras.
Biblical Perspective: Psalm 115:4–8 criticizes idols that cannot speak, see, or hear.

Jainism’s strict ethical code and ascetic practices aim to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth. The veneration of Tirthankaras and the rituals performed in their honor are seen as idolatrous, focusing on human figures rather than God.

3. Bahá’í Faith: Teaches unity of all religions, venerating Bahá’u’lláh as a prophet.

Idolatry: Adherence to teachings not aligned with the Bible.
Biblical Perspective: Galatians 1:8 warns against different gospels.

The Bahá’í Faith promotes the unity of all religions and the progressive revelation of God through various prophets. However, worshiping Bahá’u’lláh and incorporating non-biblical teachings are seen as departures from Jesus’ teachings.

4. Confucianism: Philosophical system based on the teachings of Confucius.

Idolatry: Ancestral worship and rituals.
Biblical Perspective: Matthew 4:10 instructs us to worship God alone.

Confucianism focuses on ethics, family values, and social harmony. The practice of ancestral worship and the rituals associated with it are seen as idolatrous, placing reverence on ancestors rather than God.

5. Taoism: Focuses on harmony with the Tao, venerating Laozi.

Idolatry: Temples and rituals dedicated to various deities.
Biblical Perspective: Isaiah 44:6 affirms God as the only God.

Taoism teaches the pursuit of harmony with the Tao (the Way) and involves rituals, meditation, and the veneration of various deities. These practices are seen as idolatrous, as they focus on spiritual forces and entities rather than God.

6. Zoroastrianism: Ancient Persian religion venerating Ahura Mazda.

Idolatry: Fire temples and rituals.
Biblical Perspective: 1 John 5:21 advises to keep away from idols.

Zoroastrianism emphasizes the duality of good and evil and the worship of Ahura Mazda. The use of fire temples and rituals in prayer is viewed as idolatrous, focusing on physical elements rather than the Creator.

7. Scientology: Founded by L. Ron Hubbard, focusing on self-improvement.

Idolatry: teachings and practices centered on Dianetics.
Biblical Perspective: Colossians 2:8 warns against deceptive philosophies.

Scientology promotes self-improvement through a series of spiritual processes known as auditing. Reliance on L. Ron Hubbard’s teachings and a focus on self-perfection are seen as idolatrous, diverting attention from reliance on God.

8. Wicca: Modern pagan religions focus on nature worship.

Idolatry: rituals and symbols dedicated to various deities.
Biblical Perspective: Deuteronomy 18:10–12 condemns witchcraft.

Wicca emphasizes the worship of nature and various deities through rituals and magic. Biblical teachings that prohibit witchcraft and the worship of deities other than God are considered idolatrous.

9. Rastafarianism: Focuses on Haile Selassie as the messianic figure.

Idolatry: Veneration of Selassie.
Biblical Perspective: Acts 10:43 states that all prophets testify about Jesus.

Rastafarianism regards Haile Selassie, the former Emperor of Ethiopia, as a messianic figure. The veneration of Selassie and the rituals associated with Rastafarianism are seen as idolatrous, diverting worship from Jesus Christ.

10. Native American Religions: Diverse spiritual practices and rituals.

Idolatry: Worship of nature spirits and ancestral deities.
Biblical Perspective: Romans 1:23 warns against exchanging God’s glory for images.

Native American religions encompass a variety of spiritual practices and rituals that honor nature spirits and ancestral deities. These practices are viewed as idolatrous, focusing on created beings rather than the Creator.

11. African Traditional Religions: Varying beliefs and rituals centered on spirits and ancestors.

Idolatry: Veneration of ancestors and nature spirits.
Biblical Perspective: Psalm 96:5 states that all nations’ gods are idols.

African traditional religions involve worshipping spirits and ancestors, often through rituals and offerings. These practices are seen as idolatrous, diverting worship from God to spiritual entities.

12. New Age Spirituality: Eclectic mix of spiritual beliefs and practices.

Idolatry: Emphasis on self-deification and various deities.
Interpretation from the Bible: Isaiah 45:22 calls everyone to turn to God and find salvation.

New Age Spirituality incorporates elements from various religious traditions and focuses on personal spiritual development. The emphasis on self-deification and the worship of multiple deities are seen as idolatrous, diverting attention from God.

13. Unitarian Universalism: Emphasizes individual spiritual paths.

Idolatry: Rejects the divinity of Jesus, focusing on personal beliefs.
Biblical Perspective: John 3:36 emphasizes belief in the Son for eternal life.

Unitarian Universalism promotes a pluralistic approach to spirituality and rejects the divinity of Jesus Christ. This emphasis on personal beliefs and rejecting biblical teachings is seen as idolatrous.

14. Falun Gong: Chinese spiritual movement combining meditation and moral philosophy.

Idolatry: Veneration of founder Li Hongzhi.
Biblical Perspective: Matthew 7:15 warns against false prophets.

Falun Gong emphasizes meditation and moral philosophy, with its followers venerating its founder, Li Hongzhi. This veneration and the practices associated with Falun Gong are viewed as idolatrous, diverting worship from God.

15. Juche: North Korean state ideology centered on Kim Il-sung.

Idolatry: Veneration of political leaders.
Biblical Perspective: Exodus 20:3 states that there are no other gods before the true God.

Juche, the state ideology of North Korea, centers on the veneration of political leaders such as Kim Il-sung. This practice is seen as idolatrous, placing reverence on human figures rather than God.


The common thread among these major world religions is the presence of idolatrous practices that deviate from the biblical mandate to worship God alone. Despite the mention of Jesus in some of these religions, the lack of personal relationship with Him and deviation from the core message of the gospel renders their followers spiritually lost. According to the Bible, true salvation and entry into heaven come solely through faith in Jesus Christ, worshiping God in spirit and truth, and rejecting all forms of idolatry.
