Discipleship is both an idea and a way of life in the Christian faith. It entails walking the narrow path Jesus mentioned in the Scriptures and following Him with unwavering devotion.

Despite the hardships, there is grace, mercy, and the promise of eternal life. This piece will explore Jesus’ teachings regarding the necessity of taking the narrow path, grace’s role in this process, and the significance of making disciples to advance God’s Kingdom on earth.

The Narrow Path: A Call to Commitment

Jesus emphasized the narrow path in His teachings, particularly in Matthew 7:14–21. He said, “But small is the gate, and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

This passage underscores the exclusive nature of the path to eternal life. Unlike the broad road that leads to destruction, the narrow path demands discipline, sacrifice, and a heart devoted to God, making your journey rare and privileged.

Walking the narrow path means adhering to Jesus’ teachings, living a life of righteousness, and turning away from sinful practices. Self-denial and a commitment to placing God’s will above our desires are the path’s characteristics. As Jesus stated in Luke 9:23, “Whoever aspires to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”

Grace: The Foundation of Discipleship

The path may be narrow and complex, but you must not travel alone. Grace, God’s undeserved favor, is the cornerstone upon which a disciple builds their entire journey, providing comfort and support in every step.

Through grace, we are saved and empowered to live a life that pleases God.

Jesus’ role as the Good Shepherd, as depicted in John 10, underscores the importance of grace in discipleship. He said, “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

Trust and grace form the foundation of the shepherd’s bond with his sheep. The sheep follow because they recognize the shepherd’s voice, trusting his guidance and protection.

Grace is not a license to sin but a power to live virtuously. It covers our imperfections and enables us to grow in holiness. His blood, grace, mercy, supernatural protection, and unwavering love surround those who choose the narrow path. Grace sustains, transforms, and keeps us aligned with God’s will.

Making Disciples: Expanding God’s Kingdom

The Great Commission, found in Matthew 28:19–20, is a mandate for every believer. Jesus commanded, “Therefore make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Making disciples is not optional but a core aspect of the Christian faith.

To make disciples, we must first be disciples ourselves.

It refers to a profound and personal relationship with Jesus Christ, characterized by consistent prayer, studying the Scriptures, and obeying His commands. As we develop our discipleship, we have a responsibility to lead others.

Living for God and His Kingdom

The essence of a righteous life is to prioritize God’s Kingdom. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus encouraged focusing on God’s Kingdom and righteousness, assuring that everything else would be taken care of in terms of provisions and that God would meet all our needs.

As we substantially change our values and priorities, our lives should reflect the love, justice, and righteousness of God’s Kingdom.

The Church is essential to the earthly Kingdom of God’s manifestation. Believers show God’s love and grace to the world through their collective efforts. The Church serves as a beacon of hope, a center for healing, and a community where God’s presence is unmistakable.

Challenges and Rewards of Discipleship

The path of discipleship is fraught with challenges. Persecution, trials, and temptations are everyday experiences for those who follow Christ. However, these challenges are not without purpose. James 1:2–4 encourages believers to consider it pure joy when facing trials because they produce perseverance and maturity in faith.

Despite the difficulties, the rewards of discipleship are immeasurable. A profound relationship with Christ brings joy and promises eternal life, while making disciples and seeing them grow brings a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose, expanding God’s Kingdom.


Discipleship is the lifelong journey of following Jesus on a narrow path. It requires commitment, sacrifice, and a deep reliance on God’s grace. We are tasked as disciples to create disciples, enlarge God’s Kingdom, and show His love and righteousness in our lives.

The journey poses challenges, yet it brims with the assurance of grace, mercy, and supernatural protection. God’s unwavering love surrounds us as we travel the narrow path. The Good Shepherd leads us and gives us the strength to live for His glory. Through our lives and the collective witness of the Church, we manifest God’s Kingdom on earth, offering hope and salvation to a world in need.

For those seeking to grow in their faith and make disciples, remember that you are not alone. God’s grace is with you, the voice of the Good Shepherd guides you, and the community of believers supports you. Together, we can fulfill the Great Commission and bring the light of Christ to every corner of the world.
